eGun - Der Marktplatz für Jäger, Schützen und Angler
02.06.2024 06:09:10

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von 'Silvergirl'

Hello Germany, I m from Belgien "Antwerp" and I am a sportshooter with airpistol and airrifle. I also collect patches of all shooting clubs from inland and outside. If you have some off a shooting club of Germany ? Please contact me or put it on eGun so I can bid on it. Normaly my bought items will be payed directly if I have all informations from the seller. The banktransactions from Belgien to Germany can take 7 working days, so, it is long but that is not my fault. I hope that sellers will be patient and understandfull for this. See you on your items: Greetings from Martine and Daniel.

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